
Mark my words, this hefty little thing is so useful it may elect new champions of the sport already in Graz. 
Furthermore, this innovation starts a new era in UWR ruled by more and more statistics. I think it’s amazing how much high-tech, precise and powerful this tool is, compared to its size, simplicity and the whole project’s budget. I mean not even NFL players have such 007 gadgets. And it’s not even its marketing pitch. It has no marketing whatsoever. Meet PeTe3D
So what is it? 

It’s a coin sized tool which measures and tracks your depth and movement. Like a 3D gps in water. The data is collected through a mobile app when the little pins are above the surface. It can be huge help in coaching a team! So many interesting ways to group the information, I’m curious to see how they will utilize it? Who scores the most with the least amount of dive time? How? Is there a stop in the movement at the bottom before the scores, so it’s more about the location or the skills, or is it a continuous dive and it’s more about the momentum? Statistics are vital for sports.