Learnings from years of brute-force recruiting

As time passed, people started moving to other places for jobs, getting families, training went down, we lost our pool (due to years of underset maintenance) for about a year and a half, losing the Champions Cup, the National championship, and Felix Cup. During those years we, to my memory alone lost 4-5 beginners of ages 12-25 that would potentially have become really good. That is something that many of us deeply regret today.

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Read more about the article Annual Report of 2019 and a request to the Diving Federation
A Széchyben is folyt az elmélyült eszmecsere, a játék civilizálta-e az embert?

Annual Report of 2019 and a request to the Diving Federation

The Current has been operating for one and a half years. The first training was held in May 2019, two of us tested the fresh purchase of UWR balls. Since then the club has grown a lot, as of now we have 6 players licensed by the federation and 23 on the entry list of the National Swimming Complex.

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Read more about the article 5 tips for coaching small teams
With less than 8 players one goal is enough to train. Training fits in 1/3 of 2 lanes leaving more space for others to swim and more money in the club's pocket.

5 tips for coaching small teams

Let me remind you, that most training guides assume a full team training at regular times in a proper diving pool, with a coach on the surface. Furthermore, they assume that all individuals within the team coached share the same goals such as being champions. But few teams start like that.

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Read more about the article Euroleague 20/02: high heels and Belgrade
A flag girl, the captain of the Orcas and The Current's draft on one screen during the ceremony

Euroleague 20/02: high heels and Belgrade

Coming in late Friday we just slept in the car right by the pool. If you visit tournaments regularly, you probably know how chaotic things look in the morning when all players are gathering around at the meeting of the team leaders eager to learn who and when they play against. Well, we woke to nothing like that.

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